Tuesday, December 29, 2020

It takes but you want receive

Citizens pay taxes on every aspect of living in modern society. In which a treasurer is created to hold and control such wealth being paid every minute of the hour. A congress to decide where to issue the citizens tax money. A senate to add stipulations to the citizens tax money. A president to sign off on it. 

But when the citizens run into hard times the treasurer, congress, senate and the president argue on what the citizens need🧐🧐 Interesting, like a bank we pay into the system to protect our social structure. When that structure is damage we go to the bank (system) to withdraw for repair.
So when our tax money is issued around the world and spent for war weapons to cause chaos, citizens are questioned, belittled, and degraded. Who paid it in full the (poor and working class) when needing a withdraw for repair. Hypocrisy to the most high...

Monday, October 26, 2020


It's not anyone's job to make another happy or fulfilled,

You should know your worth, know your purpose and already be happy with self. 

Whoever you allow to bond with your soul is chosen to build and grow mentally to become successful in society together. 

Your fulfilment is your own responsibility not another's priority when they also have goals to fulfill themselves. 

You're supposed to encourage each other while building that mental bond.

Never envy one's chosen path,

Find your own and go forth to success.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Let Down

My soul has hardened some due to life experience and I don't have deep expectations of others no more. Cause people want love, appreciate, work for and live for you with the same energy given. 

Cherishing, Loving and Do for self first

When all become too comfortable in disrespecting one's whole being.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Race

Relationships and marriage is meant for individuals to grow in love while forming a strong bond. 
You're supposed to build with them, never to compete with them.
You're supposed to have mutual affectionate acts towards them, never to compare one's love.
You're supposed to grow personally within your soul, never to compare one's faults.
You're supposed to secure their loyalty, never to compare who's actions are more prescious and pure.
You're supposed to be their biggest fan, never to smother one's dreams.
You're supposed to stroke each other's ego, never to look down upon them.
Society must began to see their soulmate as one moving through the universe together. 
Learning, changing and progressing as one institution of love and true unity.
Never a Race. 

Sunday, August 9, 2020


In life people think that when you become a certain age you have gain all that is needed. But they're wrong in their thinking, you will never know everything nor have all the answers. Wisdom is all about experience and having the will to keep learning, evolving and growing with time. They can have all the degrees in the world and still be taught by the hobo, the hustler, and the child of the street. 
History shows that most inventions, ideas, and wealth was created by someone with a dream then they chose to act on it. 
Many get the idea of having degrees equates with having wisdom. No no, they're wrong cause it's great having the strength to sit and listen being taught but taking that knowledge to create is the key. 
Never look down on the working mindset of others because they gain knowledge by the touch and feel of their environment to build from their dreams. 
So in the end it's not how you gained the knowledge. It's how you will use it while gaining wisdom from experience to teach those who are soon to follow.
You only stop learning and growing is when you die.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

What is?

Love is someone encouraging you to evolve and choose a better path for success. 
Love is someone who appreciates hard work and burdens carried without hesitation.
Love is being that peace within a storm of anger and struggle.
Love is gaining wisdom and experience of bonding with the same mindset.
Love is wanting the best for another without thinking of self.
What is truly the meaning of the term

Monday, July 13, 2020

The Herd

Let them follow the sheep
Slaughter house of ignorance
Let them be deceived
Let them be the work of fools
Let them be,
Silence is powerful in the midst of fools
All you have to do is be patient and watch individuals who smile in your face show their true